I enjoyed your piece particularly since I love climbing mountains and didn’t watch television very much as a kid. Saturday cartoons was about it. What struck me is how one movie influenced your entire life. I’ve been writing books for over 30 years and some of them have waded in the deep for a long time…. But we keep going because we believe in what we do, and thank goodness there are publishers and editors that trust our words and print them.
Thank you for all you do for writers and literature.
I enjoyed your piece particularly since I love climbing mountains and didn’t watch television very much as a kid. Saturday cartoons was about it. What struck me is how one movie influenced your entire life. I’ve been writing books for over 30 years and some of them have waded in the deep for a long time…. But we keep going because we believe in what we do, and thank goodness there are publishers and editors that trust our words and print them.